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2021 Global Investor Statement to Governments on the Climate Crisis

Ahead of COP 26 in Glasgow, SPF became a signatory to the  2021 Global Investor Statement to Governments on the Climate Crisis. (PDF) [316KB]

This statement, coordinated by the seven Founding Partners of The Investor Agenda, is signed by 733 investors representing over USD $52 trillion in assets.

It calls on all governments in 2021 to:

1.  Strengthen their NDCs

2.  Commit to a domestic mid-century, net-zero emissions target.

3. Implement domestic policies to deliver these targets, incentivize private investments in zero-emissions solutions and ensure ambitious pre-2030 action

4.  Ensure COVID-19 economic recovery plans support the transition to net-zero emissions

5.  Commit to implementing mandatory climate risk disclosure requirements aligned with the TCFD recommendations

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